Fishers Bar

As far from your typical hotel bar as you’re likely to get, Fisher’s is snug, cosy and intimate; just the spot to while away a quiet afternoon over a pint, or enjoy a more sociable social gathering of an evening or weekend. Alongside a discerning selection of Irish craft ciders and traditional whiskeys, Fisher’s is also proud to offer an even more local range of Corkonian stouts and beers.

Opening hours:

  • Monday to Thursday: 16.00pm until 23.30pm for  non-resident and until 00.00am for residents
  • Friday and Saturday: from 13.00pm until 00.30am for non-residents and 1.30am for residents
  • Sunday and Bank Holiday: from 13.00pm until 12.00pm for non-residents and until 00.00am for residents



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